An exhibition of my whole Australian Bird Collection at Clipboard Art Supplies

Greetings art enthusiasts and bird lovers! I'm thrilled to recount the delightful journey of my recent exhibition at Clipboard Art Supplies, where I had the pleasure of displaying my entire Australian Bird Collection of acrylic paintings throughout the month of December.

This exhibition was a culmination of years of work, featuring pieces from my earliest portrayals of the majestic Barking Owl and the cheeky Kookaburra to the latest additions that were unveiled during the exhibition itself. Completing those final two paintings was a journey in itself, with a slight detour along the way – the arrival of my second son. As any parent knows, the quest for creative time often takes a back seat to the demands of a newborn. But, as fate would have it, a deadline in the form of the exhibition opening provided the nudge I needed to finish those long-awaiting artworks.

The responses to the exhibition were beyond heartwarming. Visitors marveled at the opportunity to see the entire collection together, appreciating the progression from my early works to the latest creations.

One unexpected highlight came in the form of Jason Chong, a colleague from the Vaulting Ambitions creative business incubator I participated in a couple of years ago. As a hilarious comedian and host of a radio show, he stumbled upon the exhibition at his local art shop Clipboard Art Supplies. He recognised my work, and his spontaneous offer to interview me about the exhibition on his show provided a delightful dose of unexpected radio promotion.

Messages poured in expressing admiration for the intricate details of the paintings, affirming the impact of seeing the artworks in person. Each feather, seemed to resonate more deeply when experienced firsthand.

Now, let's talk about the exhibition opening – a lesson in both triumphs and pitfalls. Despite the breathtaking storm that swept through Adelaide that night and the myriad of competing December events, a modest group of attendees, largely comprised of my ever-supportive relatives and a few cherished guests, graced the opening. It was an intimate affair, and while the numbers were not staggering, the warmth of those who attended made it a memorable night.

The lessons learned from the opening were valuable. Scheduling an exhibition opening at the start of December, a time when school concerts and work Christmas parties dominate calendars, proved to be a logistical challenge. If I were to repeat the experience, I might opt for a more intimate showcase or forgo the opening event altogether, allowing visitors to enjoy the artworks at their leisure. Through it all the staff at Clipboard Art Supplies were wonderful hosts.

Despite the challenges, the paintings adorned Clipboard Art Supplies beautifully, turning the art shop into a temporary haven of avian wonders. It was a joy to witness people engaging with my work and, I must confess, I couldn't resist indulging in a bit of art material shopping of my own while there.

In conclusion, the Australian Bird Collection exhibition at Clipboard Art Supplies was a celebration of creativity, perseverance, and the intricate beauty of our native birds. It was a journey filled with unexpected moments, delightful encounters, and, most importantly, a shared appreciation for the art of expression. Until the next adventure unfolds on my easel, thank you to everyone who made this exhibition a cherished chapter in my artistic journey.


Not one, not two, but three new open edition emu prints!


Lessons Learned and Silver Linings: My Little Hare Illustration Competition Journey